
Wednesday, 16 November 2016

how to convert black money into white

10 ways to Convert Black Money To White 

Converting black money to white is very common today. People use all illegal method to convert black money to white. This article is written to expose ways which people use to convert black money to white.  I no way encourage any taxpayers or anyone to use any of the below methods.
10 Method to Convert Black Money to White

Bogus Loan Entry
Popular method people use to convert black money to white is by showing bogus loan entry. Modus operandi under this case will be people give black money to friend or relative and take a cheque from them. This is kind of bogus loan entry to convert black money to white.
In some cases people give repayment of this loan by giving back cheque. People doing this must understand that Income tax department is watching every transaction and tax payer have to prove genuineness of every transaction.

Formulation of Trust & doing Charity
Another popular way used by people to convert black money to white is by formulating trust for social cause. They make executive bodies of own people in trust sometimes illiterate people like driver cook etc. They donate black money to this trust as charity to convert black money.
On paper it is charity but off the shelf it is conversion of black money to white.

Showing Income as Agriculture Income
Another popular way of converting black money in to white is by showing income as agriculture income. In order to show income as agriculture income you must possess land and it must be used for agriculture purpose like plantation, garden nursery etc.
However there are various conditions you need to satisfy in order to claim agriculture income.

Showing Cash Income from Profession
Another popular way to convert black money to white is by showing income in cash. Income from tuition, professional fees or commission is shown as cash by many tax payers it is nothing but converting black money in white. 

Sale of personal belonging like Jewelry
Go to known jeweler and give him all black money you want to convert. He will give you cheque for the same amount. He will also give you purchase bill showing you sold your personal Jewelry to him. By this way your Black money is converted to white and you need not to pay capital gain tax even.

Converting Black money by Investment
Another method people use to convert black money to white is by making investment in cash.
People purchase insurance policy and pay premium in cash. For example if insurance premium is 50000 Rs/- payable quarterly, than people pay first premium via cheque and rest all premium in cash. This is most simple and popular way to convert black money in white.

Getting Black money as gift
Another popular way to convert black money to white is by getting gift from relative. Modus operandi is simple you have black money and your relative has the same amount of white money. Your relative issues cheque to you as gift and you will give your black money to him/her.

Depositing Black Money on name of Family members
Another popular method for converting black money to white is to open bank account on each and every individual family member. Deposit black money on the name of every family member to convert it in white.

By Real Estate
Real estate is sector where majority of black money is parked. People use real estate deals to convert black money to white. It is observed that people do fake real estate deal exchange money and cancel these deals due to non-payment of money.

By Declaring Black Money
Best method for converting black money to white as per me is by declaring this money to IT authorities and paying tax on this money to convert it in white.

Disclaimer –
I don’t recommend readers to follow any of these methods for black money conversion. This article is just for exposing loop holes of our system. So, that RBI and the government can take appropriate action by formulating strict rules to remove black money from India. I am against black money and black money generation ideas.
If I have missed any other methods which people use to convert their black money into white money I request you to share it in comment section.

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Thursday, 1 September 2016

Tally Shortcuts

1. General Shortcuts
Alt+2Duplicate Voucher
Alt+AAdd voucher / To Alter the column in columnar report
Alt+CCreate a master at a voucher screen (if it has not been already assigned a different function, as in reports like Balance Sheet.
Alt+DDelete a voucher To delete Accounting or Inventory master which is not used by any voucher or elsewhere in the alteration mode. To
Alt+EExport the report in ASCII, HTML OR XML format
Alt+IInsert a voucher / To toggle between Item and Accounting invoice
Alt+NTo view the report in automatic columns (Multiple Columns at all reports, Trial Balance, Cash/bank books, Group Summary & Journal Reg
Alt+PPrint the report
Alt+RRemove a line in a report
Alt+SBring back a line you removed using Alt+R
Alt+URetrieve the last line which is deleted using Alt+R
Alt+WTo view the Tally Web browser.
Alt+XCancel a voucher in Day Book/List of Vouchers
Alt+YRegister Tally
Ctrl+AAccept a form – wherever you use this key combination, that screen or report gets accepted as it is.
Ctrl+Alt+BCheck the Company Statutory details
Ctrl+GSelect Group
Alt+IImport statutory masters
Ctrl+QAbandon a form – wherever you use this key combination, it quits that screen without making any changes to it.
Ctrl+Alt+RRewrite data for a Company
Alt+HHelp Shortcut
Alt+F2Maintain Date for Multiple Years by changing period on Gateway of Tally / Change of Period for Setting Period
Ctrl+MSwitches to Main Area of Tally Screen
Ctrl+NSwitches to Calculator / ODBC Section of Tally Screen
Alt+RRecalls the last narration saved for the first ledger in the voucher, irrespective of the voucher type
Ctrl+RRepeat narration in the same voucher type irrespective of Ledger Account
Ctrl+TMark any voucher as Post Dated Voucher
Alt+DDelete any voucher in Day Book/ Deleting
Alt+OTo upload the report to the webe
Alt+MEmail the report
Alt+F1Close a Company (At All Menu Screens). View detailed Report (Report Screens). Explore a line into its details (At Almost all Screens)
Alt+F3Select the company info menu (At Gateway of Tally Screen). Create/ alter / shut a company (At Gateway of Tally Screen)
Alt+F5View sales and purchase register summary on a quarterly basis
Alt+F12View the filters screen where the range of information can be specified
Ctrl+Alt+CCopy the text from Tally (At creation and alternation screens)
Ctrl+Alt+VTo paste the text from Tally (At creation and alternation screens)
Shift+EnterTo view the next level of details and / or condense the next level of details
F2Change the date
F4Contra Voucher (All voucher creation and alteration screens). View list of Groups (Reports groups summary, group voucher screen, cash/ bank summary)
F5Select Payment Voucher. Switch between Grouped and Ledger-wise Display
F6Select Receipt Voucher
F7Select Journal Voucher
F8Select Sales Voucher
F9Select Purchase Voucher
Ctrl+F9Select Debit Note Voucher
F10Navigate between Accounting Reports
F11Modify Company features specific to current company only
F12Master Configurations, which will affect all companies in same data directory.
Ctrl+LMark a voucher as Optional or Regular
Ctrl+Alt+c (for copy) Ctrl+Alt+v (for paste)Duplicate narration in many Vouchers
▲ up

minus2. Inventory Vouchers
Alt+F4Purchase Order Voucher
Alt+F5Sales Order Voucher
Ctrl+F6Rejection In
Alt+F7Stock Journal / Manufacturing Journal
Alt+F8Delivery Note
Alt+F9Receipt Note
Alt+F10Physical Stock
EscClear entry
Key Words
Tally Shortcuts, Tally Erp 9 Shortcuts, Tally 7.2 Shortcuts, Shortcuts for Tally.