We all knows the importance of provision and compute of tax liabilities. Liabilities which may be monthly/quarterly/half-yearly or yearly basis, accounting journal entries is as equal important for the same. Here we will see how to make accounting journal entries for taxation
I Value Added Tax (VAT)
The organizations engaged in Sale and purchase transactions have to pay Vat liability. When they purchase material Vat is paid on purchases and when they sell material Vat is collected on material.
The organizations engaged in Sale and purchase transactions have to pay Vat liability. When they purchase material Vat is paid on purchases and when they sell material Vat is collected on material.
Vat paid on purchase of material-Input
Vat paid on Sale of Material-Output
Output amount is adjusted with the input and the balance is paid to the department. Entries to be made are:-
Vat paid on Sale of Material-Output
Output amount is adjusted with the input and the balance is paid to the department. Entries to be made are:-
At the time of Purchase of Material
Purchase Dr………….
Vat Input Dr……………
To Creditors……………………
At the time of Sale of Material
Purchase Dr………….
Vat Input Dr……………
To Creditors……………………
At the time of Sale of Material
Debtors Dr……………….
To Sales………………………….
To Vat Output…………………..
At the time of Adjustment
Vat Output Dr………………..
To Vat Input……………………………..
To Vat Payable (If Output>Input)………………………………
To Sales………………………….
To Vat Output…………………..
At the time of Adjustment
Vat Output Dr………………..
To Vat Input……………………………..
To Vat Payable (If Output>Input)………………………………
At the time of Payment
Vat Payable Dr…………………………..
To Cash/bank
Vat Payable Dr…………………………..
To Cash/bank
II Service Tax
When services are received:-
Expenses Dr………………………
Service tax Input Dr………………
To Party
Expenses Dr………………………
Service tax Input Dr………………
To Party
When services are provided
Debtors Dr……………………
To Revenue………………………
To Service tax Output……………
Debtors Dr……………………
To Revenue………………………
To Service tax Output……………
At the time of Adjustment
Service tax Output Dr…………….
To Service Tax Input…………………….
To Service tax Payable……………………….
Service tax Output Dr…………….
To Service Tax Input…………………….
To Service tax Payable……………………….
At the time of Payment
Service tax Payable Dr………………….
To Cash/bank…………………………………….
Service tax Payable Dr………………….
To Cash/bank…………………………………….
III Excise Duty
At the time of Purchase
Purchase Dr……………..
Central Excise Input Dr………..
Education Cess Input Dr……………….
Secondary and Higher Education Cess Input Dr.
To Creditors
At the time of Purchase
Purchase Dr……………..
Central Excise Input Dr………..
Education Cess Input Dr……………….
Secondary and Higher Education Cess Input Dr.
To Creditors
At the time of Sale
Debtors Dr…………….
Manufacturing Duty (Basic+Education Cess+Secondary & higher education cess) Dr.
To Central Excise Output …………………..
To Education Cess Output…………………..
To Secondary & higher education cess Output……………
To Sales (Including excise duty amount)…………………………………………………..
IV Tax Deducted At Source
Debtors Dr…………….
Manufacturing Duty (Basic+Education Cess+Secondary & higher education cess) Dr.
To Central Excise Output …………………..
To Education Cess Output…………………..
To Secondary & higher education cess Output……………
To Sales (Including excise duty amount)…………………………………………………..
IV Tax Deducted At Source
At the time of deducting TDS
Expenses Dr……………
To TDS Payable………………….
To Party………………………………
At the time of deposit of amount of TDS
TDS Payable Dr………………………
To Cash/Bank………………………………………
Expenses Dr……………
To TDS Payable………………….
To Party………………………………
At the time of deposit of amount of TDS
TDS Payable Dr………………………
To Cash/Bank………………………………………
At the time of booking of income
Party Dr…………………….
TDS deducted………………………
To Revenue receipts……………………………….
Party Dr…………………….
TDS deducted………………………
To Revenue receipts……………………………….
At the time of receipt of Income
Bank/Cash Dr………………………..
To Party……………………………………..
Bank/Cash Dr………………………..
To Party……………………………………..
Key words
Accounting journal entry, journal entry, journal accounting entry, service tax journal entry, vat journal entry, vat accouting entry, tds journal entry, tds accouting entry, journal entry of service tax, vat, tds etc.
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