
Monday, 22 February 2016

How To Become Excel Expert

Computer spreadsheet programs, like Excel, are an excellent tool for organizing, storing and manipulating data. Here are tricks that will assist with data entry into the spreadsheet:

1. Control the cell pointer during data entry:

Excel automatically moves the cell pointer to the next cell down when you press Enter after entering data into a cell. This gets distracting, especially, if you wish to add data in a row instead of a column. To change the setting, use the Excel options dialog box.
  •   Choose: File ->Excel Options -> Advanced ->Editing Options.
  • Enable Check-box “After pressing Enter, move selection” and the corresponding drop-down, controls the action of the cell pointer during data Entry.
  • Tip: On disabling the check-box, arrow keys can be used to control the direction of the pointer. For example, if you’re entering data in a row, press the right-arrow key rather than Enter to move fluidly to the next cell in the same row.

2. Store data within Data Tables :

Excel Spreadsheet is grid of rows and columns. While adding data into Excel, intuitively one does not use Data Tables. However, Excel Data Tables are simple and powerful. They help in easily adding more rows and columns without worrying about updating formula references, formatting options, filter settings, etc. Data Tables take care of everything.
To add Excel Data Tables, select a Range of Cells comprising of data and click on Table button residing inside the Insert Ribbon.
Data Table Tricks:
  • Data Tables comes with its own set of Data Filters and Sort Options by default. Without Data Tables, Excel allows only one set of filters per worksheet. However, if a worksheet has more than one table, then each table comes with its own filters and sort options.
  • Formulas inside a data table can use meaningful header names instead of using cell references. Moreover, on adding or removing rows, one need not worry about updating the references.
  • With structured references, calculating inside columns becomes very easy. In addition, excel automatically fills the formula inside rest of the cells in the column.
  • Data Tables can be formatted with a single click inside Table Tools
  • Duplicate Data can be deleted from the Data Tables with a single click inside Table Tools
  • Data Tables can be converted back to a Range with a single click inside Table Tools
  • Data Tables can be exported to a share point site with a single click inside Table Tools
  • Data Tables can be summarized by adding a Total Row with a single click inside Table Tools

3. Data Entry Forms

Once the Data Tables are set up in a worksheet, Excel Data forms provide the ability to enter data into those tables using a Dialog box. To get the Form Button on the Quick Access Toolbar, follow the below steps:
  • Click on Customize Quick Access Toolbar
  • Select More Commands from the list
  • Choose All Commands from the Dropdown
  • You should find Forms in the list of All Commands
  • Click on Add, and it should get added to the Quick Access Toolbar, once you click on OK
In order to access the Forms Dialog box, simply select the Data Table Range in the worksheet and Click on Forms from the Quick Access Toolbar.
Data Form
The options on the Dialog box are as follows:
  • New: Adds a new record into the Data Table
  • Delete: Deletes the displayed record from the Data Table
  • Restore: Restores the changes made in a Data Table Entry
  • Find Prev/Find Next: Finds the records as specified in the Criteria Field
  • Criteria: Retrieving data that meets a set criteria
  • Close: Closes the Dialog Box

4. Data Validation Lists:

Creating drop-down list and enforcing data entry using drop-down, ensures that data consistency is always maintained in your worksheet. To create a drop-down list:
  • Enter the list of items in a range.
  • Select the cell that will contain the drop-down list
  • Choose Data -> Data Tools -> Data Validation.
  • In the Data Validation dialog box, click the Settings tab.
  • In the Allow drop-down list, select List.
  • In the Source box, specify the range that contains the items.
  • Make sure that the In-Cell drop-down option is checked and click OK.
Tip: If the drop-down list is short, then you can enter the values directly in the Source Field separated by commas.

5. AutoCorrect for short-hand data entry:

AutoCorrect, by default is meant to do useful things like capitalizing the first letter of sentences, or correct the accidental use of the caps lock key. In addition, one can customize the AutoCorrect to create shortcuts for commonly used words or phrases. For example, below I use the abbreviation: “gro” for Groceries, “subsc” for Subscriptions and so on.
In order to get to the AutoCorrect Options,
Click on Files -> Excel Options -> Proofing -> Auto Correct Options.
Alternatively, the key-board short cut is: ALT+T+A.
AutoCorrect Tips and Tricks:
  • To Add an AutoCorrect Shortcut, type the shortcut text in the Replace Field, and type the text that it will expand to in the With Field, and then click Add.
  • To remove an AutoCorrect shortcut, locate the shortcut in the AutoCorrect list and click on Delete.
  • To override AutoCorrect Press CTRL+Z while entering information into the cell
  • To share the AutoCorrect entries with your friends or across machines, simply locate the *.acl file on your hard drive, and copy it to the corresponding location on the other machine.
  • Excel converts email address or web URL entries into hyperlinks using AutoCorrect. To override a single automatic hyperlink, just click Undo (or press Ctrl+Z) after you enter the text. The hyperlink disappears, but the text you entered remains intact. To disable this feature completely, go to AutoCorrect Options -> Click on Tab: Auto Format as you Type -> Disable the check box: “Internet and network paths with hyperlinks” .

6. AutoComplete to automate Data Entry:

Excel’s AutoComplete feature makes it easy to enter the same text into multiple cells. Simply type the first few letters of a text entry into a cell and Excel automatically completes the entry, based on other entries that you already made in the column. It helps to not only reduce the typing, but also to maintain consistency in the data entered.
Auto Complete Tips and Tricks:
  • Auto complete works only on contiguous column of cells, so do not leave blank rows to fully utilize Auto complete’s potential
  • Auto complete changes the case of letters automatically
  • If the column contains multipls entries that match the first few characters, then Auto Complete does not kick off until your entry matches one of them quickly.
  • You can access the Mouse controlled version of Auto Complete by right clicking the cell and choosing the “Pick from Drop Down List” Option.
  • You can access the same drop down list from keyboard by pressing: Shift+F10.

7. Proofread with Audio

Excel has a handy text-to-speech capability, that is capable of reading the contents of the cell as you enter it. In addition, it can also read back a specific range of cells.
To enable the feature in the Quick Access Tool bar:
  • Click on Customize Quick Access Toolbar
  • Select More Commands from the list
  • Choose All Commands from the Dropdown
  • Select all the Cells starting with Speak Cells and Add them to the Quick Access Toolbar, by clicking on Add.
To read a range of cells, select the range of cells, and Click the Speak Cells button.
You can change the orientation, by clicking on “Speak Cells on Column” or “Speak Cells on Rows”.
If you wish the excel to speak the contents of the cell as you enter, then click on “Speak Cells on Enter”.
The below Image shows the symbols for each of the options:
Have I missed out on some of your favourite tricks on data entry? I would love to hear about them in the comments section.

Excel Trick

After Microsoft developed Excel to the 2010 version, it offered more surprises than ever. In order to deal with tons of big data, you can’t ignore the important role Excel plays in daily work. However, both for beginners and advanced users, there are still many useful tips and tricks that are inevitably overlooked. Here are 20 useful Excel spreadsheet secrets you may not know. Please note that all these functions are based on Microsoft Excel 2010.

1. One Click to Select All

You might know how to select all by using the Ctrl + A shortcut, but few know that with only one click of the corner button, as shown in the screenshot below, all data will be selected in seconds.
One Click to Select All

2. Open Excel Files in Bulk

Rather than open files one by one when you have multiple files you need to handle, there is a handy way to open them all with one click. Select the files you would like to open then press the Enter key on the keyboard, all files will open simultaneously.
Open Excel Files in Bulk

3. Shift Between Different Excel Files

When you have different spreadsheets open, it’s really annoying shifting between different files because sometimes working on the wrong sheet can ruin the whole project. Using Ctrl + Tab you can shift between different files freely. This function is also applicable to other files like different Windows tabs in Firefox when opened using Windows 7.
Shift Different Excel Files

4. Create a New Shortcut Menu

Generally there are three shortcuts in the top menu, which are Save, Undo Typing and Repeat Typing. However, if you want to use more shortcuts, like Copy and Cut, you can set them up as follows:
File->Options->Quick Access Toolbar, add Cut and Copy from the left column to the right, save it. You will see two more shortcuts added in the top menu.
Create New Shortcut Menu

5. Add a Diagonal Line to a Cell

When creating a classmate address list, for example, you may need a diagonal link in the first cell to separate different attributes of rows and columns. How to make it? Everyone knows that Home->Font-> Borders can change different borders for a cell, and even add different colors. However, if you click More Borders, you will get more surprises, like a diagonal line. Click it and save—you can now make it immediately.
Add Diagonal Line for a Cell

6. Add More Than One New Row or Column

You may know the way to add one new row or column, but it really wastes a lot of time if you need to insert more than one of these by repeating this action X number of times. The best way is to drag and select X rows or columns (X is two or more) if you want to add X rows or columns above or left. Right click the highlighted rows or columns and choose Insert from the drop down menu. New rows will be inserted above the row or to the left of the column you first selected.
Add More Than One New Row/Column

7. Speedily Move and Copy Data in Cells

If you want to move one column of data in a spreadsheet, the fast way is to choose it and move the pointer to the border, after it turns to a crossed arrow icon, drag to move the column freely. What if you want to copy the data? You can press the Ctrl button before you drag to move; the new column will copy all the selected data.
Speedy Move and Copy Data in Cells

8. Speedily Delete Blank Cells

Some default data will be blank, for various reasons. If you need to delete these to maintain accuracy, especially when calculating the average value, the speedy way is to filter out all blank cells and delete them with one click. Choose the column you want to filter, go to Data->Filter, after the downward button shows, undo Select All and then pick up the last option, Blanks. All blank cells will show immediately. Go back to Home and click Delete directly, all of them will be removed.
Speedy Delete Blank Cells

9. Vague Search with Wild Card

You may know how to activate the speedy search by using the shortcut Ctrl + F, but there are two main wild cards—Question Mark and Asterisk—used in Excel spreadsheets to activate a vague search. This is used when you are not sure about the target result. Question Mark stands for one character and Asterisk represents one or more characters. What if you need to search Question Mark and Asterisk as a target result? Don’t forget add a Wave Line in front.
Vague Search with Wild-card

10. Generate a Unique Value in a Column

You are aware of the key function of Filter, but few people use the Advanced Filter, which will be repeatedly applied when you need to filter a unique value from data in a column. Click to choose the column and go to Data->Advanced. A pop-up window will show up. As the screenshot shows, click Copy to another location, which should be in accord with the second red rectangular area. Then specify the target location by typing the value or clicking the area-choosing button. In this example, the unique age can be generated from Column C and show in Column E. Don’t forget to choose Unique records only, then click OK. The unique value showing in column E can be the contrast of the original data in C, that’s the reason why it is recommended to copy to another location.
Generate Unique Value in Column

11. Input Restriction with Data Validation Function

In order to retain the validity of data, sometimes you need to restrict the input value and offer some tips for further steps. For example, age in this sheet should be whole numbers and all people participating in this survey should be between 18 and 60 years old. To ensure that data outside of this age range isn’t entered, go to Data->Data Validation->Setting, input the conditions and shift to Input Message to give prompts like, “Please input your age with whole number, which should range from 18 to 60.” Users will get this prompt when hanging the pointer in this area and get a warning message if the inputted information is unqualified.
Input Restriction with Data Validation Function

12. Fast Navigation with Ctrl + Arrow Button

When you click Ctrl + any arrow button on the keyboard, you can jump to the edge of the sheet in different directions. If you want to jump to the bottom line of the data, just try to click Ctrl + downward button.
Fast Navigation with Ctrl + Arrow Button

13. Transpose Data from a Row to a Column

You would use this feature if you want to transpose data to get a better display; however, retyping all data would be the last thing you would need to do if you know how to use the Transpose function in Paste. Here’s how: copy the area you want to transpose, move the pointer to another blank location. Go to Home->Paste->Transpose, please note that this function won’t activate until you copy the data first.
Transpose Data from Row to Column

14. Hide Data Thoroughly

Almost all users know how to hide data by right clicking to select the Hide function, but this can be easily noticed if there is only a little bit of data. The best and easiest way to hide data thoroughly is to use the Format Cells function. Choose the area and go to Home->Font->Open Format Cells->Number Tab->Custom->Type ;;; -> Click OK, then all the values in the area will be invisible, and can only be found in the preview area next to the Function button.
Hide Data Thoroughly

15. Compose Text with &

Complicated formulation is unnecessary, as long as you know how to use &. You can compose any text freely with this symbol. Below I have four columns with different texts, but what if I want to compose them to one value in one cell? First, locate the cell that is to show the composed result, use the formulation with & as shown in the screenshot below. Click Enter: all texts in A2, B2, C2 and D2 will be composed together to become LizaUSA25@ in F2.
Compose Text with &

16. Transforming the Case of Text

With all the tricks shared here, I’ve tried my best to avoid complicated formulation. But there are still some simple and easy to use formulations to show you, like UPPER, LOWER and PROPER, which can transform texts for different purposes. UPPER will capitalize all characters, LOWER can change text to all lower case and PROPER will only capitalize the first character of a word.
Text Transform

17. Input Values Starting with 0

When an input value starts with zero, Excel will delete the zero by default. Rather than reset the Format Cells, this problem can be easily solved by adding a single quote mark ahead of the first zero, as shown.
Input Value Starts with 0

18. Speed up Inputting Complicated Terms with AutoCorrect

If you need to repeat the same value and it is complicated to input, the best way is to use the AutoCorrect function, which will replace your text with the correct text. Take my name, Liza Brown, for example, which can be replaced by LZ. Therefore, every time I input LZ, it can autocorrect to Liza Brown. Go to File->Options->Proofing->AutoCorrect Options and input Replace text with correct text in the red rectangular area, as below.
Speed up Inputting Complicate Terms with AutoCorrect

19. One Click to Get More Status

Most users know how to check the data status in the bottom of an Excel sheet, like Average and Sum Value. However, do you know you can move the pointer to the bottom tab and right click to get more status, as shown below?
One Click to Get More Status

20. Rename a Sheet Using Double Click

There are multiple ways to rename sheets, and most users will right click to choose Rename, which actually wastes a lot of time. The best way is to just click twice, then you can rename it directly.
Rename Sheet by Double Click

How to Configure (F12) your Company in Tally.ERP 9

How to Configure (F12) your Company in Tally.ERP 9

Company Configure in Tally9(F12)
Company Configure in Tally9
Company Configure in Tally9

Sunday, 21 February 2016

How to Export Tally to Excel

Export to Excel in Tally
Using the Export feature of Tally.ERP 9, you can export Tally.ERP 9 data to Excel. Data exported to Excel can be
e-mailed as an attachment, used to generate graphs for better presentation and further analysis.
Go to Gateway of Tally > Balance Sheet
  1. In the Balance sheet screen press E : Export.
  2. Select the required language from the list of Languages.
  3. Select a format from the list of Formats available.
  4. Press Enter to accept the default Output Filename. In case you want to save the file in another folder then
    type the desired path.
  5. Press Enter to accept the default Output Sheet Name.
  6. In case you are generating the same file for a second time, select Yes for the field Update Existing File.
  7. In case you want to format the contents of the file, then select Yes for the field Excel (Spreadsheet) formatting.
  8. Select Yes for the Field with Colour, if you want the background colour in the exported file.
  9. ..
Export to Excel in Tally9
  1. Accept to export the Masters to an excel file.
The exported file is saved in the default Tally.ERP 9 folder.

Creating Single / Multiple Ledger GROUP in Tally.ERP 9

Creating Single / Multiple Ledger GROUP in Tally.ERP 9

Creating Ledger Group in Tally9
Creating Ledger Group in Tally9
Creating Ledger Group in Tally9
Creating Ledger Group in Tally9

Creating Single / Multiple LEDGER in Tally.ERP 9

Creating Single / Multiple LEDGER in Tally.ERP 9

Creating Ledger in Tally9

Creating Ledger in Tally9
Creating Ledger in Tally9

Accounting for VAT & CST in Tally ERP 9

 VAT intends to bring harmonization in the tax structure of various States and rationalize

The overall tax burden. The essence of VAT is that it provides credit/set-off for input tax, i.e., tax paid on purchases, against the output tax, i.e., tax payable on sales. To reconcile the details submitted in monthly/ quarterly / half yearly return and actual details prevailing as on 31/03/2XXX it is very much imperative to account for VAT Payable, VAT Set Off (on purchases, Expenses and capital goods), set Off used against payment of CST in a systematic and consistent manner to avail the benefit of Set Off. Sometimes due to wrong accounting Set Off is forgone while filing the return.

Let me illustrate how set off is beneficial.
Sales 12.5%

Vat on Sales 12.5%

Purchases Vat 12.5%

Vat On Purchases 12.5%

CST Sales 2%

CST 2%(on sales)

CST Purchases 2%

CST 2%(on purchases)

Vatable Expenses 12.5%(Net)

Vat 12.5% VAT

Case 1: Set Off on Expenses is taken. (exclusive method of accounting is followed)
Vat payable 18750
Set Off
On Purchases                                  13750
On Expenses                                    6250 
Set Off Available                              20000
Set off Utilized for Vat 12.5% on sales 18750

Vat Payable comes to      NIL
CST Payable                1400
Set Off Available            20000
Set off Utilized for Vat 12.5% on sales 18750
Set off Available             1250
Set off utilized for CST 2% on Sales  1250
CST Payable                   150
     Following Journal Entries will have to be passed.
1. Local Sales
   Debtors A/c      Dr.   168750
                To Sales 12.5%     150000
                To Vat 12.5%(Sales)  18750   
2. Interstate Sales
    Debtors A/c     Dr.      71400
                 To Sales 2%(CST)  70000
                 To CST 2%(Sales)   1400
3. Local Purchases
    Purchases 12.5%        Dr.     110000
    VAT 12.5%(Purchases)     Dr. 13750
                  To Creditors  123750
4. Interstate Purchases
    Purchases 2%(OMS)   Dr. 40000
    CST 2%(Purchases) Dr.  800
                   To Creditors       40800
5. Expenses
    Expenses  Dr.  50000
    Vat 12.5%(Expenses) Dr. 6250
                    To Creditors for Expenses  56250    
At the end of month pass following Entries.

6.Transfer VAT liability to VAT Payable A/c.
      Vat 12.5%(Sales)    Dr.   18750
                    To Vat Payable 18750
     (Note: Pass any other VAT liability say VAT 4%,
1%, to Vat Payable A/c)
7. Transfer VAT Set Off to VAT Set Off A/c.
    Vat Set Off A/c         Dr20000   
                    To Vat 12.5%(Purchases) 13750
                    To Vat 12.5%(Expenses)     6250
      (Note: Pass any other VAT set off to Vat Set Off
  A/c. Say Set off taken on capital assets)
8Transfer CST Liability to CST Payable A/c
    CST 2%(Sales)    Dr.     1400
                    To CST Payable A/c   1400
  At the time of making payment pass following entries.

9. Payment Entry for VAT liability
    Vat Payable      Dr.    18750
                    To Vat Set Off 18750
    (Note: if Vat Set Off< Vat Payable. Credit
      Cash/Bank A/c for the difference)
10. Payment Entry for CST Liability
    CST Payable     Dr.      1400
                    To Vat set Off    1250
                    To Cash/Bank/    150 

NOTE: CST paid on inter state purchases can not be claimed as set off, due to following reasons.

  1. CST is centrally levied though collected by state and it is revenue for state government. VAT is purely a state level tax.
If credit is given for CST paid in OMS purchases then state (in which goods are purchased) will have to part with its revenue from its treasury which no state will accept.
  1. CST liability can be off set against Vat Set Off for administrative smoothness. As collection of CST on one hand and refunding Vat set off on other hand will involve only Procedural formalities.
  Due to above fact CST paid on purchases should be added to purchases while making financial statement. This will not lead into inconsistency in accounting on the ground that purchases are recorded inclusive of CST whereas sales are recorded exclusive of CST because set off on such purchases can not be claimed and is non refundable duty  so there is no harm in claiming such CST paid as expenses. Alternatively it could be shown as expenses in the Profit and Loss A/c.

     However if above accounting is adhered to then differential liability of vat and cst  at any time during the year is known. If any entries remains to be passed in the previous period which comes to the notice after return is filed then it becomes very easy to revise the return if changes are substantial or incorporate such changes in the return of next period.

Profit and Loss Account As On 31.03.2XXX




Local 12.5%

Local 12.5%

OMS 2%

OMS 2%
Cst 2%

Gross Profit





Gross Profit

Net Profit




Balance Sheet as on 31.03.2XXX 
Net Profit
Current Assets

Sundry Debtors
Current Liability

Creditors For Goods
Creditors For Expenses
Bank Overdraft


Tax Liability under income tax
Net Profit for the Year                             19200
Tax Payable Comes to @30.9%                 5933
So, Total Tax Paid:
Income Tax                  5933
Vat                              NIL
Cst                              150
Total Paid                   6083
Case 2: Set Off on Expenses is not taken. (Exclusive method of accounting is followed.)
Vat payable 18750
Set Off
On Purchases                                  13750     
Set Off Available                              13750
Set off Utilized for Vat 12.5% on sales 13750
Vat Payable comes to                        5000
CST Payable      1400
Set Off Available  13750
Set off Utilized for Vat 12.5% on sales 13750
Set off Available NIL
Set off utilized for CST 2% on Sales      NIL
CST Payable   1400
All the Journal Entries passed in case 1 will have to be passed except changes in following entries.
5. Expenses
    Expenses (50000+6250)   Dr.  56250
                    To Creditors for Expenses 56250
7. Transfer VAT Set Off to VAT Set Off A/c.
    Vat Set Off A/c         Dr.   13750   
                    To Vat 12.5% (Purchases)          13750
      (Note: Pass any other VAT set off to Vat Set Off
  A/c. Say Set off taken on capital assets)
9. Payment Entry for VAT liability
    Vat Payable      Dr.    18750
                    To Vat Set Off  13750
                    To Cash/Bank             5000
10. Payment Entry for CST Liability
    CST Payable     Dr.      1400 
                    To Cash/Bank/          1400     
   Profit and Loss Account As On 31.03.2XXX




Local 12.5%

Local 12.5%

OMS 2%

OMS 2%
Cst 2%

Gross Profit





Gross Profit

Net Profit




Balance Sheet as on 31.03.2XXX 
Net Profit
Current Assets

Sundry Debtors
Current Liability

Creditors For Goods
Creditors For Expenses
Bank Overdraft

Tax Liability under income tax
Net Profit for the Year                          12950
Tax Payable Comes to @30.9%              4002
So, Total Tax Paid:
Income Tax                  4002
Vat                              5000 
Cst                              1400
Total Paid                 10422
Tax Paid when set off is not claimed     10422
Tax Paid when set off is claimed            6083
Tax Savings if Set Off is claimed            4339
Case 3: Set Off on Expenses is taken.
   (inclusive method of accounting is followed u/s 145A)
Profit and Loss Account As On 31.03.2XXX


Local 12.5%

Local 12.5%

Vat 12.5%

Vat 12.5%

OMS 2%

OMS 2%

CST 2%
CST 2%

Gross Profit






Gross Profit

Vat Paid


Cst Paid


Net Profit


Balance Sheet as on 31.03.2XXX 
Net Profit
Current Assets

Sundry Debtors
Current Liability

Creditors For Goods
Creditors For Expenses
Bank Overdraft

Case 4: Set Off on Expenses is not taken.
   (inclusive method of accounting is followed u/s 145A)
Profit and Loss Account As On 31.03.2XXX


Local 12.5%

Local 12.5%

Vat 12.5%

Vat 12.5%

OMS 2%

OMS 2%

CST 2%
CST 2%

Gross Profit






Gross Profit

Vat Paid


Cst Paid


Net Profit




Balance Sheet as on 31.03.2XXX 
Net Profit
Current Assets

Sundry Debtors
Current Liability

Creditors For Goods
Creditors For Expenses
Bank Overdraft

Tax liability will not alter whether inclusive or exclusive method is followed.
See Case 1 and Case 3.
See Case 2 and Case 4.
1. When Assets is sold on which Vat is collectible.
    Gross amount is received Rs. 50000 on sale of Car.
     Bank A/c                        Dr.  50000  
                   To Car A/c                                   44444   
                   To Vat 12.5%(Sales Others)            5556
2Transfer VAT liability to VAT Payable A/c.
     Vat 12.5%(Sales Assets)     Dr.      5556
                   To Vat Payable A/c                         5556
3. Purchases of New Motor Car
Basic Price   
Vat 12.5%
Insurance Charges 
RTO Charges         
   New Motor Car A/c      Dr.  909784
   Vat 12.5% (Purchases Assets)  Dr.  102211
                     To Bank                                     1011995  
4. Transfer above  VAT Set Off to VAT Set Off A/c.
    Vat 12.5%(Purchases Assets)   Dr.   102211
                      To Vat Set off A/c                       102211
5. Expenses on which Set Off is claimed subject to reduction.
    Expenses incurred for packing of Tax Free Goods.
    Net      1000
    Vat 12.5%      125
    Total    1125
    (a)Expenses A/c               Dr.      1000  
         Vat 12.5%(Expenses)    Dr.      125
                 To Creditors For Expenses             1125  
    (b)Expenses A/c                Dr.  20
                 To Vat 12.5%(Expenses)                20
  (Reversal of Vat Set off to the extent of 2%)
6. Treatment of Output Tax on Debtors becoming insolvent.
    Sales 12.5%                   100000
    Vat 12.5%                          12500

    On sale of goods
    Debtors A/c        Dr.   112500
            To Sales 12.5%                100000
            To Vat 12.5%                   12500
    On Debtors becoming insolvent   
    Vat 12.5%         Dr.     12500
    Bad Debts         Dr.     100000
           To Debtors                         112500
7. Interstate Sales Return after 6 months.
    OMS Sales 2%   Dr.    10000
             To CST 2%                         200

   CST/Vat collected and paid to government is not reversible if goods are returned beyond 6 months.

               Sales 2%(CST)   Dr.      10000     
              To Debtors                           10000
AS 9 and IAS 18

  AS- 9 on Revenue Recognition is silent regarding treatment of Revenue from sales. However IAS 18 on Revenue clarify that amounts collected on behalf of third parties such as Sales tax, Service Tax, Excise Duty should be excluded from revenue.

AS-2, Section 145A and Clause 12(b) of form 3CD.

AS-2 states that the costs of purchase and value of closing stock in trade consist of the purchase price including duties and taxes (other than those subsequently recoverable by the enterprise from the taxing authorities) freight inwards and other expenditure directly attributable to the acquisition
Section 145A states that purchases and sales are recorded inclusive of any tax and duty.
Clause 12(b) of form 3CD asking for Details of deviation, if any, from the method of valuation prescribed under section 145A, and the effect thereof on the profit or loss.
   However Section 145A for Tax Audit purpose is deviated if exclusive method of accouting is followed. However the ultimate profitability will not be altered in either case.(see case 1 and case 3 OR case 2 and case 4).


     So in general abovementioned accounting is considered for recording local and interstate transaction. If VAT Act of particular state requires some specific treatment then that is to be followed. For instance in some state Vat Set off on purchases of fixed assets available immediately whereas in some other state it is available over a period of time.